Quoi de neuf dans la version 0.0.
FIX(Repair): set default vatRat at 21% % deductibilityRate 0% by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/348
FIX(TotalLoss): rename totalLossType enum + remove undefined value fo… by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/281352
FEAT(FolderSearchComboLayout): search by plateNumber allow only one of LayoutType by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/357
FEAT(layout) preview layout by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/285358
FEAT(Window): implementer le service de sauvegarde de fenêtres repair) predefine line fields for non informex quote according to operation type by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/359
Quoi de neuf dans la version 0.0.50
FEAT(Repair) repair calculation by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/287319
FIXFEAT(WindowService): Une erreur se produit au changement d'onglet et e… StakeholderRate): - Add a column "Post" in the rate by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/293322FIX
FEAT(Mailbox): Il n'est plus possible de se connecter Repair&StakeholderRate): Calculation + Rates by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/294323FIX
FEAT(CourrierRepair): Problème de sauvegarde des courriers action on switch "Forfait réparation" by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/300325
FIX FEAT(FolderSearchComboRepairOperation): display plate number in folder search component Prevent deletation by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/301328
FEAT(FolderStakeholderRate): ajouter une date de remise en gestion#298 Prevent deletation by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/302330
FEAT( folderheader) ajout de commentaire lorsqu'on remet le dossier en gestion FolderHeader): Add is new filter on folder header list by @faking-it in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/332
FIX(Mailbox): the File is missing in the attachments + selected index… by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/304333
FEAT( ReportEditor) Quill editor by @MADrickx Agenda): deux rdvs en même temps si même lieu by @faking-it in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/305334
STYLE FIX(GmailLoginFolderStageCode): Style the gmail login by @KsarKev checkbox selection on folderStageCode list by @faking-it in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/306335
FEAT( FolderRepair) pouvoir garder un dossier en tournée : pouvoir imprimer le devis en pdf WIP by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/308336
REFACTORFIX(*): Change MandataryRate -> StakeholderRate Repairer): changeDirty by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/337
FIX(Repair): Repair extends DocumentSaleHeader by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/314339
FEAT( ReportEditor) Document editor by @MADrickx Repair): open pdf button by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/315340
FEAT( RepairerReportEditor): ajouter les taux horaires by @KsarKev Adding the documentEditor completed and a couple of fix by @MADrickx in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/316344
Quoi de neuf dans la version 0.0.
FEAT( Repair) repair calculation Mailbox): dispatch attachments by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/319281
FEAT(StakeholderRateFolderSearchCombo): - Add a column "Post" in the rate search by plateNumber by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/322285
FEAT(Repair&StakeholderRateWindow): Calculation + Rates implementer le service de sauvegarde de fenêtres by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/323287FEAT
FIX(Repair): action on switch "Forfait réparation" WindowService): Une erreur se produit au changement d'onglet et e… by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/325293
FEATFIX(RepairOperationMailbox): Prevent deletation Il n'est plus possible de se connecter by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/328294FEAT
FIX (StakeholderRateCourrier) : Prevent deletation Problème de sauvegarde des courriers by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/330300
FEATFIX (FolderHeaderFolderSearchCombo): Add is new filter on folder header list by @faking-it display plate number in folder search component by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/332301
FIXFEAT(Mailbox): the File is missing in the attachments + selected index… Folder) : ajouter une date de remise en gestion#298 by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/333302
FEAT( Agenda): deux rdvs en même temps si même lieu by @faking-it folderheader) ajout de commentaire lorsqu'on remet le dossier en gestion by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/334304
FIXFEAT( FolderStageCode): checkbox selection on folderStageCode list by @faking-it ReportEditor) Quill editor by @MADrickx in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/335305
FEATSTYLE (RepairGmailLogin): pouvoir imprimer le devis en pdf WIP Style the gmail login by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/336306
FIXFEAT( Repairer): changeDirty Folder) pouvoir garder un dossier en tournée by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/337308
FIXREFACTOR(Repair*): Repair extends DocumentSaleHeader Change MandataryRate -> StakeholderRate by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/339314
FEAT( Repair): open pdf button by @KsarKev ReportEditor) Document editor by @MADrickx in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/340315
FEAT( ReportEditorRepairer): Adding the documentEditor completed and a couple of fix by @MADrickx ajouter les taux horaires by @KsarKev in https://github.com/IGSoft-SPRL/Somja-FrontEnd/pull/344316